Tuesday, June 9, 2009


My multimedia poetry didn’t completely turn out the way I thought and planned it would. The poem itself lasted for about 2 minutes but I added a cartoon at the beginning and the end so it lasted for about 4 minutes. The images were in high quality, the resolution was good. I used three fonts as planned but I used more colors, about four. I used instrumental music and just as images it suited the poem well. As for transitions and effects, I used more than four because I thought the whole multimedia will look better and not boring. As planned I put two lines per slide. And of course at the end I put credits.
So the program I used was Windows Movie Maker. First step was to import all the pictures I downloaded from google (deviantart.com), videos downloaded from Youtube and music also downloaded from Youtube (lion King- To Die For) from mminicstorage. Then I chose pictures that best fit the two lines on the slide. When I put all the images and typed the lines I chose transitions between the videos and effects for the text. Then I took a part from the Tom and Jerry cartoon and placed it at the beginning (before the poem ) and at the end (after the poem), in order to make the video more interesting. Finally, I wrote the credits listing the images, videos, music as well as the author (me)… when I finished with the poem, I gave it to couple of people who told me what to change. For example I had to change colors on couple of slides because it was not readable and to make the slide longer so that people have enough time to read it.
At the presentation, everything went well I think, though some slides were still difficult to read, because of the projector that projected the picture high, and the light was bad so some text couldn’t be read well. If a spent more time on this, the poem would be better, I could maybe use some other pictures but most importantly I would change the poem and make it more interesting because this one was very simple and sad. Otherwise I am satisfied with what I’ve done even though it could have been better.
To conclude I followed the plan to a point, the poem was better than it would have been if I followed the plan completely, I made a test before the presentation to see if anything should be changed, still it could have been better if I only worked more, though I am satisfied.

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